Credit Management Concepts & Tools

We provide you with the best credit management concepts and tools to ‘do what you can, with what you have, and where you are’ in order to challenge and meet today’s changing business environment. 

Flexibility, Training, Confidentiality & Expertise

We provide you with flexibility, bespoke training, confidentiality, expertise, friendly atmosphere, tailored solutions and good value training programmes for your money.

Training & Practice

We are committed to excellence and good training practices.


Granting credit costs money and carries an element of risk. Hence, it requires firms to deploy proper credit management practices in order to increase profitable sales and secure sound cash flow.

At JBConsult, we specialise in providing the right set of tools, skills and knowledge which help firms grant and manage credit whilst collect money timely, keeping in mind that good customer relationship is critical to increase market share.

Unique and specific

In today’s commercial world, we believe that each business organisation is different and ‘one size fits all’ strategic solutions are neither effective nor useful to gain competitive advantage.

Additionally, nobody knows the business organisations better than their own CEO’s, senior managers, and employees.

Therefore, our training programmes are specifically developed and designed to assist and facilitate trainees to review their own credit policies, internal procedures and processes, to plan and develop their strategies and tactics; and to implement and manage their credit and cash flow in line with unique and innovative business concepts in order to meet today’s market challenges.